September 25, 2008

Kickballz Fall League Week Trois: Getting Scatalogical

Strange isn't? No, not the pic. I mean really why would you be surprised about a shit that size after the way we crapped the bed in our third straight game. I mean after our fecal feat, that thing looks like rabbit pellets nay ant asslings. No the peculiar thing about the portrait above is that after dropping a load like that you would think that one would feel a sense of relief. Well you would be fucking wrong. I have no feeling of joy. Instead of being proud of the lil brown baby boy we created, I feel like a chick that got a boston pancake without being asked permission (thanks dustin). It's just getting bad. Instead of getting blown out we find a way every week to beat ourselves. I'm so upset and distraught that I can't, oh who am i kidding, we beat ourselves like the VCC looking thru a priests vacation pictures with altar boys. So how did the shit go down you ask. Was it a thick brick? No, it was more like a shit spray affect. Little bits of running poo every where. Things got off to a cozy enough start as the Delight rang up 2 runs in the first. Then promptly gave up 2 runs. Then the defense held strong, nothing could get by this well built wall. However there was one slip up. The ball was kicked high into shallow center. I not paying attention or caring was hoping Jr. would get it. Jr sucking and being lazy decided to call the ball for me. Feeling the urgency to give the folks a good show we were both off on a torrid race to catch the ball like clay aiken to a hot dog cart. At some point everyone realized what was going to happen next and only 2 people didn't want it to happen. Long story short I'm carrying Jr's jr. Things got worse and we gave up a few more runs. Errors were every where. Some craptastic kicking and worse running lead to another loss. I think the problem is that our assholes are too tight. Well everybody but the RF's, it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway with that guy. So we lost another. Too little to early this time. So many questions. When will we win? Why was Jones wearing his shorts backwards? When will the jerseys come in? If Ken had a vagina would he be shaved? What will we do without Scully? Is it her last game? Why is VCC bunting? Why aren't the girls playing topless? All good questions that will only be answered over time. But one things for sure, next time we're gonna pull up our boot straps, oil up some asses and do some plowing of our own. Until then...


The VCC said...

The boston pancake is probably one of the most disgusting things i've ever heard of.

The VCC said...

its like 2 dudes no cup.